Important Note: When you make a purchase through the MINDBODY App, additional fees are charged to us. To help us keep costs down, we kindly ask that you make purchases directly through our website instead.


Membership Options

Join our Community!

Check out all of the amazing Membership Perks that come with your membership!!

Monthly Unlimited Individual $125/month*

Monthly Auto-debit

Choose our BEST VALUE and most popular membership!
Enjoy unlimited classes for as little as $6.25 per class when you practice an average of 5 times per week.

Special Discounts: Seniors, Teachers, Students, Military, and First Responders—contact the studio for exclusive pricing!

(*6-month initial commitment required)

Monthly Unlimited Family $175/month*

Monthly Auto-debit

Family Membership: Share the Yoga Experience!

Enjoy all the same great perks as our Monthly Unlimited Individual Membership, but with the added benefit of sharing it with your loved ones. For just $175/month (auto-debit), up to 4 family members in your household can practice as often as they like!

(*6-month initial commitment required)

Monthly Unlimited Virtual $85/month*


Virtual Membership: Yoga Anytime, Anywhere
Prefer to practice from the comfort of your home? This membership is perfect for you! Enjoy unlimited access to our Live Zoom Classes and our extensive Virtual Library featuring classes dating back to 2020—all for just $85 per month.

Stay connected to your practice, no matter where you are!

(*6-month initial commitment required)

 Paid in Full
3, 6 or 12 months

Our Paid in Full plans offer unlimited yoga and the same great perks as the unlimited monthly auto-debit memberships. Purchase an Unlimited Yoga membership and pay in full to save.

Save 10% when you purchase your next Paid in Full plan before the current one expires.

No extensions. No holds.
Options include:

Monthly Mini-Membership

Monthly Auto-debit

Mini Membership: Flexibility for Busy Schedules

Perfect for those who can’t make it to the studio as often as they’d like! Enjoy some great perks and pay just $80 per month for 5 classes (auto-debit)—that’s only $16 per class. Need more? Additional classes can be purchased for just $16 each!

(*6-month initial commitment required)


Additional Pricing Options


Single Class Drop-In

IN-STUDIO Class - $25

Single Class Drop-In

VIRTUAL Class - $15
live via Zoom


One Month Unlimited - $145

Unlimited yoga classes for one month.
Pay as you go, no membership.


Class Packs

If you can only practice yoga on occasion, you’ll pay less per class when you purchase a class pack. We have 10 and 20 packs to use for IN-STUDIO and VIRTUAL.

(Contact the studio for discounted pricing if you are a Senior, Teacher, Student, Military, or First Responder)

If you prefer practicing from the comfort of your home, you can purchase a VIRTUAL-ONLY 10 pack. No additional discounts with this package.

Save 10% when you purchase your next package before the current one expires.

No extensions.