Iris Haftlang
Yoga Teacher
eRYT 200
Like so many, my yoga journey began with the desire to lose weight. And it worked, which was great! But more exciting than the physical transformation, was the mental shift that occurred for me almost immediately.
I didn’t realize how “stuck” I was until I got quiet in yoga. After an hour of flailing around on my mat (yes, that’s how we ALL start) I was finally able to find some freedom. Freedom from my judgmental thoughts, my berating self talk, my biases, my desperate need to fit in and be liked, my social anxiety and my lack of energy.
With consistent practice, my body began to open up in ways I never imagined possible. My mind too began to open up to new possibilities. I become a much more aware person. With that awareness came compassion and understanding. Material desires waned and I began to crave true connection with nature.
I knew after only a handful of practices that I wanted to help other people experience the shift and the joy of yoga. I practiced as much as I could and within a year I was entrenched in my very first 200 hour yoga teacher training with Sheri Cherokee of Alpha Omega Yoga. I hit the ground running and have since undergone subsequent trainings with Gaia Flow Yoga and Sadie Nardini. I continue my education by attending classes, workshops and retreats offered by my inspiring fellow yogis, practicing with my community as often as I can.
The stillness that yoga brings is a filter for the noise we all carry around in our head. That noise is the constant conversation we have with ourselves. The conversation that can harbor our fears instead of our love if we aren’t vigilant.
There are so many things we can do to foster positive change for ourselves, and yoga is just one tool. None of us are on an identical journey, but our paths are intertwined. Let’s make our next meeting on the mat.