Heather Hopper

Heather Hopper headshot.jpg

Yoga Teacher

"Without laughter and love, yoga is just hard work." Steve Ross

Heather came to yoga about thirteen years ago as an achievable fitness program for her obesity. Over the years, through physical activity, healthy eating and body awareness encouraged through yoga and Weight Watchers, she has dropped from a size 18 to a 4-6 and has become strong, flexible and inspired by all aspects of yoga. After years of on again, off again practice, she became a dedicated yoga student in 2003. Heather has practiced and studied Hatha, Astanga, Iyengar, Scaravelli, Vinyasa Flow, and Power Yoga as well as meditation and philosophy.

Heather incorporates a variety of yoga styles, pranayama, and meditation in her group classes and personal yoga sessions to accommodate for students' goals, strengths and limitations. She believes that yoga should be full of fun and humor and a playful, childlike quality. Heather is constantly studying, attending classes, and reading about ways to use yoga, diet, and alternative remedies for health, wellness, and personal growth for herself and her students.

She has studied under master teachers Steve Ross, Mark Whitwell, Baron Baptiste, Sharon Gannon, Rod Stryker, David Romanelli, and Judith Lasater. She also has both Level I and Prenatal/Postnatal certifications through YogaFit, an Experential Anatomy teacher certification through Judith Lasater and is the first certified provider of Heavyweight Yoga in the Plano and North Dallas area. She has been teaching group yoga classes and individual clients since 2006 and is proud that some of her own students are now following the yoga path to become yoga instructors.

"no matter where you go, there you are" buckaroo bonsai

Heather completed her 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher certification with Yoga Alliance through Alpha-Omega (now Namah Shivaya).